Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Cara Menghilangkan Stres

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Cara Menghilangkan Stres

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How to Overcome Stress Super Powerful

1.   Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a way to reduce stress because by doing this, then someone can receive a given load because it has a good perspective on the burden. Viewpoint in question is thought to realize that the burden experienced an exam given by the Creator and by doing so, then someone will be sure that behind the difficulties that befell him, the stored grear wisdom if successfully passed the challenges of the life.

2.   Communication
communicating or talking to share stories about the problems or the burdens of life to someone are very well to reduce the burden experienced and cope with stress. Additionally, telling  to friends enable to obtain the solution of the problem. In fact, research shows that a private person more susceptible to be stress than a person who is open and frequent communication on the matter with others.

3.   Meditation
Meditation is a thing that can cope with stress because it can clear the mind to be able to make a person to concentrate. This can happen because meditation can afford to make more regular breathing, heart rate and blood pressure to be normal, it is able to reduce levels of stress hormones which previously pumped by the adrenal glands.

4.   Doing hobby
How to cope with severe stress by doing hobbies you want to do is the easiest way. Hobby is an activity which is believed to soothe one's mind if it is done. The purpose is to obtain a pleasure so it can be their own entertainment for the mind and soul of the person. In fact, doing a hobby can make someone become excited after exhausting activity.

5.   Shower Or Bath
shower or bath has a good effect to overcome the stress becauses it is powerful healing to a cooling-off. Stimulus from this atmosphere can alert a person's body and mind to the feeling of being in the womb so as to provide serenity and comfort to the body. To be effective, a shower or bath is done using warm water in the bathtub.

6.   Music
Research in 2008 by the University of Maryland School of Medicine revealed that listening to your favorite music for 30 minutes are capable of releasing endorphins substance to reduce stress and relieve pain. It is also getting better because the body back into harmony with the sound of music you listen to. As a result, the relaxation is increased, the muscles are not tense, heart rate slows, and the energy increase in accordance with the rhythm.

7.   Massage
Massage is very well to be done for relaxation and normalize blood pressure. Due to the massage, the quality of sleep a person gets better so the stress that is felt is reduced. The benefits of massage have been widely studied by experts. According to some research, massage can eliminate stress for the body's biochemical changes occur after getting a touch of the hand. In fact, studies have found that stress hormones can be reduced up to 53% as evidenced by a study of 500 men, women and children who suffer from stress.

8.   Yelling
Shouting loudly is a good way to do to cope with stress. When under stress, a person must have sensed something is up in the liver. Therefore, releasing unpleasant feeling it could be done with the screaming in a spacious and quiet so as not to disturb others such as at the seaside or over a cliff. Yelling can be done several times for someone to become more relaxed.

9.   Sports
Sports is able to relieve negative emotions such as stress in a person. This can happen because the sport is able to release the hormone serotonin, which can make a person feel good. In fact, the Mental Health Foundation is a non-profit health organizations in the UK have shown that exercise is good for treating depression.

10.               Recreation / Getaways
Doing recreation is a good way to do to avoid negative environment. Therefore, recreational activities is also a very effective way to cope with stress. Recreation can be done with the family to make it more enjoyable. In addition, recreations are also effective for relieving stress because by doing this, people feel relaxed mood.

11.               Laugh
Laughing brings a very good effect to relieve stress. According to some studies, laughing 5 to 10 minutes can stimulate endorphine, serotonin and metanonin to come out. Where these three substances provide good benefits to the brain so the body becomes calmer. In fact, laughter can cure a person who has a severe stress mental disorder.

12.               Sleep
Sleep is one effective way to relieve stress that can increase productivity. In addition, resting or sleeping at least 8 hours to do every day to rejuvenate the body for activity in the next day.

13.               Healthy Foods
The last great way to eliminate the stress is by food. Foods that contain vitamin B, omega-3, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin C is a food that can relieve stress. In addition, the antioxidant foods are also good for consumption because it can facilitate memory function.

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