Menulis surat bahasa Inggris tentang gerhana matahari total.

Menulis surat bahasa Inggris tentang gerhana matahari total.

Berikut ini adalah contoh dari membuat surat bahasa Inggris yang berisi tentang cerita saat terjadi gerhana matahari total yang terjadi pada tanggal 9 maret 2016 di Indonesia. Ada sekitar 11 provinsi yang dapat merasakan gerhana kdan ada provinsi yang tidak dilalui gerhana alias tidak bisa ikut merasakan saat-saat terjadi gerhana matahari total.
Banjarnegara, 9 th 2016

Dear Wandi

       Hi, how are you getting along? I always pray for you to be heathy and safe. By the by how about total solar eclips this morning? I am really want to listen the story about that from yourself who were there in Sumatra Island.

       As you know that the total solar eclipse does not pass Java island so that I could not enjoy what does it feel. From my hometown the situation was rather blur for about two minutes only. The situation was not dark. People here prayed together in the mosque.

       Some people here did not feel how the total solar eclips like. People here watched the phenomenon in television. We could not feel directly the true eclips like people in some provinse that were passed by the eclips.

       I feel how poor I am. You know that this phenomenon is very rare and so extraordinary natural phenomenon. This year happens and I cannot watch it directly like some people in Belitung for example. Whereas it will happen some years later and I also do not know whether I can watch it or not. It means that during my life I cannot enjoy the total solar eclips right?. That is way I really feel how poor I am. Hehe

       Could you please share your experience about total solar eclips you watched this morning. do not forget too to send me some pictures you took in the time of the happening. I guess you have it.

       I think that’s all from me. I am waiting for your story. Thank you.



Demikianlah Menulis surat bahasa Inggris tentang gerhana matahari total versi tresno English. Tetaplah di tresno English ya ..... terima kasih.

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